Sunday, 7 February 2010


As well as the BBC's Nigel Wrench remembering the release of Nelly Mandela and Steve Punt doing a 'funny' turn on the subject of 'talking Britain down' (in the wake of Lord Mandelson's diatribe against George Osborne), this morning's Broadcasting House also discussed the issue of purity and politics in the wake of the DPP's announcement of the prosecution for fraud of three Labour MPs and a Tory peer. That's not quite how presenter Paddy O'Connell put it though: "Three MPs and one Tory peer must decide if they'll use parliamentary privelege as part of their defence against allegations, which they deny." Can you spot the missing word in Paddy's sentence? (Clue: it rhymes with neighbour).
The issue was discussed with the crossbench philosopher-baroness (and liberal) Onora O'Neill and with Labour-supporting Sir Gerry Robinson. Both wanted us to 'move on' from the Great Expenses Scandal, as Paddy noted. That seemed fine by him, but when Baroness O'Neill said we should also 'move on' over the issue of bankers Paddy seemed a little taken aback, and (clearly thinking on the spot) could only ask in response whether they (the bankers) should listen more. He's clearly not prepared to 'move on' on that subject any time soon, by the sounds of it. BH in recent months has been full of anti-banker humour.


  1. Cannot be bothered with BH as it is generally boring as is its presentation.
    BBC bias is in almost every programme now.
    Recommend you visit "Tony Blair" blog of pillocks supporting Blair in his fight against the establishment and Chilcot. Such vitriol!

  2. Boring's the word for it ('BS' would be more apt that 'BH' most of the time). Paddy O'Connell is so keen to be the new Eddie Mair. He's no Eddie Mair.

    Thanks for the reminder about our puschi young friend. You would have to have a heart of stone not to laugh at Julie's outrage for poor Alastair Campbell and his hurt feelings: "Politicians are human, too and yes, they have feelings, and YES you CAN hurt those, as Alastair rightly explained to Adam Boulton on Sky News, minutes after the Andrew Marr interview."
    Wasn't Big Al pretty good at hurting peoples' feelings himself when he ran the country for Tony Blair?


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