Friday, 9 April 2010


I don't usually watch the BBC News Channel (no time), but I've just switched on a minute ago and who do I see straightaway ? Professor Colin Talbot again!! This time he's chatting to Gavin Esler, but that's the only thing that's different. He's still criticising Conservative proposals on efficiency savings and national insurance...and beneath him, as he speaks, is a banner that reads BREAKING NEWS: Duncan Bannatyne has defended National Insurance rise. Mr Bannatyne, James Caan's friend from Dragon's Den, is a long-term Labour supporter (and party donor). He was only recently wheeled out by the Beeb and Labour to attack the Tories over Lord Ashcroft, now he's attacking them over NI too. What a surprise!! What big news!!
Back to Prof Talbot and Gavin Esler. Esler did what I expect him to do - nothing to challenge the professor. Instead, he merely sought the professor's advise and sat like a pupil of Socrates at his feet.
I have now switched off the BBC News channel and will not be switching it back on again any time soon!! Five minutes is more than enough of that!

1 comment:

  1. And, of course, like Caan, Bannatyne is paid by the BBC.


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