Saturday, 10 April 2010


Here is yesterday's tally of the number of posts on the BBC's live election blog that report comments (direct/indirect quotations) from party politicians:
Friday 9/4
Labour - 32
Conservatives - 23
Lib Dems - 11
Greens - 2
Plaid Cymru - 1
SNP - 1
UKIP - 1
BNP - 1
Communist Party - 1
So a narrowing of the gap, but still another strong Labour lead. Incidentally, 11 of those Conservative posts came between 8-9am, as the BBC blog reported on David Cameron's Today interview - something which won't be a daily event.
Now for the running total for the whole campaign. How do things stand after 3 days?:
Labour - 95
Conservatives - 53
Lib Dems - 38
SNP - 4
Plaid Cymru - 4
Greens - 3
UKIP - 2
DUP - 1
BNP - 1
Communist Party - 1
Labour is still on course for a runaway victory in this survey.
The final (anonymous) post from yesterday is typical of the BBC blog:
2400: Could the tide be turning in the National Insurance row? Several newspapers lead with attacks on the businessmen who have backed the Conservative stance. Perhaps the Tories hope their married couple's tax break will move the debate on over the weekend before any sort of potential backlash can gather steam. The tax break is certainly going to be a big talking point in the coming days - as is Labour's Cadbury's Law. Sounds tasty...will voters agree?


  1. Craig, I've spent another update to Ric Bailey. Would it surprise you I havent had a reply from the BBC yet? No I didn't think so. I am sure I'll get the oops-we-could-have-done-better email towards the end of the campaign after the damage is done.

    I don't know why but I continue to be amazed by the lopsided coverage on the Election blog. It's so blatant and partisan.

  2. An "oops-we-could-have-done-better" email would be more than we usually get - by way of concessions - from the BBC!


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