Tuesday, 6 April 2010


We had to wait a while to hear from Michael Gove on The World At One. When he arrived Martha Kearney asked him 5 questions. Anything about education or the economy? No. She asked him three questions - 3!!! - about Chris Grayling's comments about gays and B&Bs and then two questions about Conservative negative campaigning, and that's it. The BBC really have no shame.
No interview with UKIP today, but we did hear a tiny clip from someone Martha called "UKIP's leader and member of the European parliament, Nigel Farage." As you will all know, Nigel Farage is not UKIP's leader. That honour now belongs to Lord Pearson. Martha is the second BBC figure to make that mistake recently (http://beebbiascraig.blogspot.com/2010/04/mindset-of-today-programme-laid-bare.html). UKIP came second in last year's European elections. How competent does that make Martha Kearney?
Talking of mistakes, I see BBC political correspondent Iain Watson makes an error today too. His article on Labour's prospects features this paragraph. Can you spot the mistake in it?
But Labour still trail in the polls, and many party officials would regard a hung Parliament as something of a victory given that the party came fourth at the European elections last year.


  1. I had to check that Labour came third , not fourth, but still behind UKIP !

  2. Spot on Grant. The Lib Dems had the pleasure of being pushed into fourth place. If only they could be pushed into fourth place in the general election!


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