Thursday, 8 April 2010


The BBC's new Reality Check page is only just under way but, following on from Robert Peston's strange post about national insurance yesterday, looks as if it might possibly be about to become a Conservative Check page. See what you think.
Efficiency savings: Do the figures stack up?
By Hugh Pym
Chief economics correspondent, BBC News

Today I'm examining the parties' promises on efficiency savings and asking whether the figures stack up.

Labour says the Conservatives' economic plan is based on £12bn of "fantasy savings" this year which would put the recovery at risk.

The Tories say they would find the cuts in "government waste" without affecting
frontline services. They say it would allow them to cancel Labour's planned 1% rise in National Insurance contributions.

It's a tough goal because the £12bn Tory savings would have to come on top of the existing £35bn government savings target that hasn't yet been fully achieved.

This raises some interesting questions. Where exactly would the savings be found? Could efficiencies really target waste alone and not hit frontline services? Could it all be done this fast?

I'll be looking at the evidence, asking the experts and keeping you updated as I investigate the facts and help you form a judgment.
Well, we'll see where this leads but, given that it's a story based on a Labour allegation against the Tories, and seems to be concentrating on the 'tough goal' for the Conservatives, do you blame me for worrying that Hugh's willingness to "help (us) form a judgment" is going to lead him to cast doubt most heavily on the Conservatives' promises?

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