I'm beginning to get very annoyed about the BBC's web coverage of the election. A new name to me adds to the site's random sprinkling of anti-Tory posts:
1658: The BBC's interactive reporter Anna Adams says a "Where's Georgie?" campaign is gathering pace on the internet. She says people are pondering the whereabouts of shadow chancellor George Osborne, suggesting that he hasn't been seen much since the election was called. Apparently, he was last seen at Luton Airport on Tuesday - any further sightings let us know...
But Anna hasn't just got the Tories in her sights:
1732: Another snippet from our interactive reporter Anna Adams. She says the UK Independence Party are getting some stick on Twitter for spelling "independent" wrong in some of their local campaign literature.
This was the first mention of UKIP on the blog all day!!!
So far she's found nothing negative on Twitter about Labour or the Lib Dems or the Greens...I will be watching to see if she does.
I've written to Ric Bailey, the BBC's chief political advisor tonight about this live service. It is extremely partisan. I used some of your numbers Craig, hope you dont mind.
ReplyDeleteGood stuff Ryan. Anything here is available for use!