When an admirable man, popular with his people & determined to improve his country, wins an election & the BBC's Nick Higham (on 'From Our Own Correspondent') presents a report about him, you might expect a spot of political 'labelling' to spread the credit more generally - unless, of course, this fine figure comes from the right-of-centre. Then a Beeb-watcher might expect silence. Such was the case with Higham's report on Boiko Borisov, the new prime minister of Bulgaria. He's a man of the centre-right. Higham does not mention that, giving us only the name of Borisov's party (which tells us nothing). After all, it wouldn't do to cast the centre-right in general in a good light.
Casting Obama in reflected glory, of course, is a very different matter. That is a Beeboid's duty!
"In the recent general election around 40% of voters backed his political party, known as Gerb, which has adapted one of Barack Obama's slogans: "Let's show them Bulgaria can."
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