Andrew Marr was fair in his treatment of his interviewing of the two party politicians today, with Michael Gove earning him an I.C. of 0.7 and Welsh first minister Carwyn Jones earning him a 0.6.
Not so fair was the paper review where Andy was joined by two left-wingers, liberal-to-her-elegant-fingertips Joan Bakewell and far-left 'comedian' Mark Thomas. Thomas attacked the Daily Mail, bankers and Lord Ashcroft (oh these predictable lefties!). Marr had reminded him to mention Lord Ashcroft and added himself "In politics there's nothing worse than not giving a clear answer to a story and getting closure". Try telling that to Gordon Brown, who hasn't given a clear answer to anything for years.
Earlier Dame Joan discussed the row over elderly care and, prompted by Marr's "And those Conservative posters saying Gordon Brown wants £20,000 when you die?", denounced the use of the phrase 'death tax' (even though that's what it would be). She went on to list the virtue of Labour's proposal and said of that most understandable of human instincts, the wish to pass on the best possible future to your children, including your home, "I think there's no entitlement to that". Marr chimed in, "I always wonder whether it's the older people who are worried about this, or their children, who are hoping for the money." Mark said to this (with a left-wing comedian's typical superficiality of thought), "I think you're right. I mean when you're dead this is the one time the government can tax you actually, Surely that's when you're not going to feel the pinch, and that's the point of it." (Yeah, as if Mark Thomas doesn't think there aren't an almost infinite number of other times when the government can - and should - tax you!!) When Thomas joined in the criticism of the use of the word 'death' Marr said 'Yeah, absolutely!' So, all in all, a very cosy consensus in favour of the 'death tax' on Marr's sofa.
In his introduction Andy had 'quipped' "Lots of people are represented on the sofa today". I think I can now 'quip' back, "Yes, but not a lot of different views".
Who’s on Question Time Tonight? #BBCQT
5 hours ago
How typical of wealthy tax-payer subsidised left-wing creeps like Thomas and Marr not to worry about "death taxes" and not even see the irony of their position !