Left-wing Polly Toynbee of The Guardian was the Brit on today's Dateline panel. Last week it was New Labour-loving David Aaronovitch of The Times. The week before it was left-winger Yasmin Alibhai Brown of The Independent. Previously, it was far-left Isabel Hilton of The Guardian. The week before that it was snooty leftie Sir Michael White of The Guardian. Only when we get back to 2nd January do we find a right-winger, Peter Oborne of The Daily Mail. And on it goes...the last edition of 2009 featured Polly Toynbee again, preceded by David Aaronovitch again. On 12/12 we find a second right-winger, Janet Daley of The Sunday

So of the last 11 editions of Dateline to feature a Brit (and all but one Washington-based special have), 9 have been left-wingers and only 2 right-wingers.
As Dateline regularly discusses British politics, this matters.
That's clear Beeb bias in action.
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