BBC Complaints: The link you need!

Wednesday 5 May 2010


The BBC's live election blog is giving its all for Labour today. So far Labour are again well ahead on the number of posts reporting their sayings and doings.
Whenever something is reported about the Conservatives it is being countered by some criticism from Labour. Thus Cameron's all-night campaigning is described and shortly after we get Kevin Maguire's take on it:

0649: Kevin Maguire, of the Labour-supporting Mirror, tells GMTV Mr Cameron's round-the-clock campaigning is "desperate".

And later the ever-not-pictured Prezza:

0913: Former Deputy PM John Prescott has some tongue-in-cheek words of sympathy for the night-workers who have met David Cameron on his marathon pre-polling trip around Britain. He tweets: "It's hard enough working nights but to have someone repeatedly shouting 'change' at you must get on your nerves!" Read John Prescott's tweets.

Similarly news that Simon Cowell is backing the Tories is immediately followed by tweet from BBC election blog regular Charlie Whelan:

0813: Simon Cowell comes in for some criticism from Gordon Brown's former spin doctor Charlie Whelan for supporting the Tories. He re-tweets a message from LadyMyler, saying: "So multi-millionaire, LA-dwelling, tabloid-wrangling Simon Cowell Comes Out for the Tories? Who'd have thunk it?" Read Charlie Whelan's tweets.

In contrast Labour and Lib Dems spokesman come and go (taking of anything but Michelangelo), without being trailed by snide comments from their opponents.
Posts that quote Gordon Brown himself are everywhere. And this is what comes in his wake, as Lloyd noted over at B-BBC:

1215: The BBC's Katie Townsend says: Somewhat of a missed opportunity here in Bradford with Gordon Brown. He delivered a powerful and heartfelt speech about the risks the country faces under a Conservative government. But his lecturn seemed to be facing the wrong way and not towards the hundreds of people who had excitedly gathered to see him. It seems Labour were only expecting around 60 people. As he finished the PM emerged to give them a wave but he really could have whipped up this crowd very easily.

Counting up the posts that quote just the party leaders alone (from 6am to 9pm) shows the extent of this extraordinary imbalance:
Cameron - 6
Brown - 18
Clegg - 10


  1. its about time the beeb was taken down a peg or two.I hope the tories have a idea to do just that.On bbc 24 they have just said that nick clegg and gordon have been hitting the campaign trail what about david cameron.cant see the beeb toasting a tory victory.toenails didn't talk to david cameron like he did the other two.

  2. Excellent analysis, the BBC have reached the levels of bias that I expected of them. After the general election a campaign to purge the BBC must begin; regardless of who wins.

  3. Guess John Prescott , thankfully not pictured, knows how hard it is working nights with Tracey !


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