BBC Complaints: The link you need!

Sunday 11 October 2009


In the interests of seeing whether UKIP got fair coverage following their great success in the European elections I introduced The Record: Europe to my list of programmes (which, given the beauty of its presenter, Shirin Wheeler, is no hardship!).
This week's edition did indeed see Nigel Farage take part in a studio discussion with Timothy Kirkhope (Conservative), Fiona Hall (Liberal Democrat) and Richard Howitt (Labour).
I'll let the Interruption Coefficients speak first:
Timothy Kirkhope - 1.5
Nigel Farage - 0.9
Fiona Hall - 0
Richard Howitt - 0
From a related angle, these are the number of Shirin's interruptions:
Timothy Kirkhope - 8
Nigel Farage - 2
Fiona Hall - 0
Richard Howitt - 0
Note how clearly this shows the two parties of the centre-right receiving a rougher ride than those of the centre-left.
Nigel Farage was certainly interrupted (though, of course, he gave as good as he got).
Poor old Timothy Kirkhope, however, was on the end not only of a barrage of interruptions from Shirin Wheeler but also from the three other guests. (The Conservatives need to change their 'Not let matters rest there' tune if they want to breathe a little more easily during these sort of interviews!).
He also got all the hard questions (nine in all). Compare that with the Lib Dem leader, whose questions generally amounted to "Fiona?" and "Fiona, what do you think?". The Labour chap was only asked one question! (He had plenty to say though.)
Shirin also committed the cardinal sin of interviewing - twice! - when she interrupted Mr Kirkhope, made a criticism of him (or his position) and then, instead of giving him a chance to respond, invited someone else to comment!! I will transcribe both examples:
(interrupting) "I wonder, in fact, whether you're misleading people, suggesting that you can. Fiona, what do you think?"
"No, but...(pause)...isn't the natural conclusion of what you're suggesting actually putting Britain in a position where it might leave the European Union, which is what Nigel wants" (pointing at Nigel and inviting him to respond).
Essentially, what was meant to be a four-way discussion chaired by a presenter turned into an tough interview between Shirin Wheeler and Timothy Kirkhope, with other hostile questions flying at him from all three of her other guests!


  1. I too watched this interview with mounting disgust at the way Mr Kirkhope was being attacked by all and sundry.
    If anything good can be said of it, it was that one could see the patient yet determined way Kirkhope managed the situation. Many others in such a predicament would have lost their temper.

  2. Yes, he remained remarkably calm in the circumstances, as he did last time Shirin Wheeler interviewed him - alone!- back in late September. Then she interrupted him 3 times in the space of less than 2 minutes.


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