BBC Complaints: The link you need!

Sunday 11 October 2009


The World This Weekend with Shaun Ley went beyond Westminster to consider the continuing repercussions of the expenses scandal. To where exactly? "I've been to a constituency in Berkshire where..." (wait for it!...) "...the Conservatives hope an open selection for a new candidate will neutralise the controversy over the expenses of their existing MP." Fancy that, going to a constituency with a scandal-hit Conservative MP, not a Labour one!
Shaun garnered a few vox-pops in the constinuency (Bracknell, held by Andrew MacKie). The first three were unimpressed with the Conservatives' selection plans, whereas the fourth - a posh chap, shortly off to the Caribbean - was supportive. A representative sample? We'll never know. How was the question phrased? We'll never know.
In an intriguing instance where bias was avoided, take Paddy O'Connell on this morning's Broadcasting House. The BBC's discovery that Gordon Brown may be one of those who has to pay back some more expenses money after tomorrow was discussed with a political correspondent called Tim. Paddy helpfully interjected, "And of course David Cameron also had to pay back money as well." I just wonder though, had the story been about Cameron whether Paddy would have been quite so keen to mention Brown's previous pay-back.

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