Saturday on this blog means Dateline: London with Gavin Esler. Today's panel discussed the failed coup against Gordon Brown (some laughter at the expense of Hoon and Hewitt)
before going on to slag off the Conservative Party (as usual). Then, discussing US intelligence in the wake of the failed Christmas Day massacre, they all defended and/or praised Barack Obama & condemned Rumsfeld and the Bush administration (including, naturally, the supposedly impartial presenter Gavin Esler). Finally, Dubai was up for discussion - and here, for the first time, there was disagreement among the panel. One of the lefties (pragmatic Sir Michael White of The Guardian) was characteristically majestic in his indifference to the plight of the poor S.E. Asian workers exploited by the Gulf pharoahs in their bid to build their new megatower - a plight characteristically brought up by one of the other lefties, the far-left Portuguese writer and broadcaster Eunice Goes (one of Gavin's regular cast of Eurobabes, who - for some reason! - is pictured above), who, after waxing righteous on the subject, was not impressed (being a very ideological lady) by Sir Mike's laxity on the issue. Michael Goldfarb of was on Eunice's side. The final guest, veteran Egyptian journalist Abdellah Homouda, edged his bets. He was the only one, during the section on the Conservatives, to balance his criticism of the Tories with criticism of Labour.

Week in week out, the left-liberal bias keeps on coming. For instance, there had never yet been (in the couple of years that I've been watching) a single American contributor who could be said to come from the Right side of American politics. And there have been lots of American contributors. And there have been many editions which have excluded anyone from the right-of-political-centre completely. There has never been an edition (in the period that I've been watching) that did not have at least two left-of-centre guests on it (and usually there are three, sometimes four). The programme is in severe need of being refreshed.
Under the circumstances, I am not interested in the political views of Eunice Goes, but I welcome the development of a photo-content aspect to this website, providing John Prescott does not appear.
ReplyDeleteYou have my word Grant that John Prescott will NOT appear!