BBC Complaints: The link you need!

Tuesday 19 January 2010


Jim Naughtie really doesn't like Conservatives (or members of UKIP for that matter). You can hear that in his tone of voice in interview after interview.
On this morning's Today programme he interviewed shadow home secretary Chris Grayling about Conservative proposals to introduce "a targeted increase in taxation on the drinks that they think are strongly associated with anti-social behaviour". Unlike the earlier interview with former Labour minister John Reid there were no jokes during this interview. No, this was very much Naughtie the Terrier in action again.
Oddly, as he did in his very rude 5th Jan. interview with Nick Herbert, he deployed the word 'bonkers!' again. It came during his most aggressive interruption:
Grayling: "But actually our goal is to try and get manufacturers to bring down the strength of the strongest alcohols. We'd obviously provide an exception for specialist niche products, the tradtional ye oldie cider in a traditional area like..."
Naughtie (interrupting:) "So if it's Killer Cider it doesn't...I mean super strong cider, which can knock people out, a pint of it, you don't mind that if it's produced by a little producer? Isn't that bonkers, when you're saying if somebody produces a lot of superstrength beer you're going to tax them extra?"
I think I might have to keep a 'bonkers' tally for Jim Naughtie!

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