Andrew Marr's third and final big interview with the three major party leaders was with David Cameron.
I said some complimentary things about Marr recently. I now take them all back. This was one of the most aggressive, not to say rude interviews I've witnessed. Marr's left-wing (pro-Labour bias) was naked and unashamed.
The simplest point to make is to compare the Interruption Coefficients for the interviews. For Nick Clegg it was 1.3 and for Gordon Brown it was 1.0. For David Cameron today it was a huge 2.1. These figures show that Marr interrupted Cameron more than twice as much as he interrupted Brown. This is not merely suggestive of bias, it is proof of bias.
Counting (as always) only those interruptions that stop the interviewee or alter the course of the interviewee's point, Marr interrupted Cameron a massive 59 times!
There were also a large number of what I call abortive interruptions too, where either Cameron fended off an attempted interruption, or where the flow was neither stopped nor changed because Cameron ignored the interruption. To which we can add a fair few heckles and many other mutterings.
The questions could have been written by Charlie Whelan or Alistair Campbell.
The first 17 focused (as expected) on the Conservatives' attitudes to Europe in the wake of the Irish 'Yes' vote on the Lisbon Treaty, with repeated questions suggesting evasiveness and (of course) one about Tory splits.
Then we had questions on welfare, followed by 17 questions on public spending cuts. Marr focused not on our nation's overwhelming levels of debt - Dave had to mention that, as Marr was clearly not going to! - but on how many jobs would be lost as a result of Tory cuts. Question after question came on that one specific point over a 9-minute stretch of the interview. Just on that point. As I say, Charlie and Alistair could not have asked for anything more.
Next came 7 questions on tax, led (inevitably) by 3 questions on inheritance tax (which Labour is very keen to focus on).
Then the interview got personal, & not in the gentle, pussyfooting way of last week's question about Brown's blindness and his alleged pill-taking but in a nasty, direct manner than left me feeling very hot under the collar. "A lot of people" say "you're a very, very rich man" and a "toff", said Marr. Yes, a lot of Labour-supporting people especially!
Up behind Marr came that embarrassing picture of Cameron at the Bullingdon Club and it stayed up throughout the rest of the interview.
Marr then questioned the 'personal wealth of you and your wife', asking if it was true that Cameron was worth £30 million. Cameron said that was rubbish.
A cynical Llew on the Biased BBC website wondered last week whether Marr asking Brown so gently about the pills was a cunning ploy to allow Marr (and the rest of the BBC) to open fire on Cameron's personal affairs. It looks as if Llew was right, and not cynical at all.
Cameron's 'bad call' on financial regulation was next up, before a brief question on TV debates between the party leaders.
What I haven't yet pointed out was the continual editorialising by Marr - editorialising befitting a former chief political correspondent for The Independent! When an interviewer gives a running commentary on his interviewee's answers, and if those comments are hostile, that's clear proof of bias. There are many examples to choose from, but I would pick the comment with which Marr close the section on Europe. Picking up Cameron's own words, Marr opined "With respect that's probably the problem. Let's move on to welfare..." (There was very little respect in this interview). This is not the first time Marr has disputed a point David Cameron has made & then moved on quickly to another subject without allowing him a come-back. It's what he does.
There's much more to say about this, but that's enough to give a strong flavour of the Marr-Cameron interview.
This was BBC bias at it's most blatant.
Who’s on Question Time Tonight? #BBCQT
2 hours ago
Craig - you're going to be rather busy recording the bias this week! So far today (on TV) I think I've seen the worst BBC bias ever.
ReplyDeleteYou expressed my cynicism of Andrew Marr far better than I did! I was sure there was a hidden agenda in the way he suddenly attacked Gordon with that personal question, after years of giving him easy questions.
The BBC's agenda is now clear, attack them on Europe, on being Tory Toffs with huge personal wealth, dig up the fox-hunting issue (more Tory Toffs), and question the funding of absolutely everything they suggest.
Yes, it's an anti-Tory roller coaster of a day, isn't it? And it's not going to get any better as the week goes on! This is, as you've been pointing out on the Biased BBC website, today has given some of the clearest cases of bias yet, and the day is still young. (I still haven't worked out how to post a comment on the Biased BBC website. I keep trying but am, to use an apt phrase, foxed! I only caught the fox-hunting bit on the 'Politics Show' so far, so I've got the rest of it to watch. I think I saw Eric Pickles and David Miliband. That should be fun! And Nigel Farage too.
ReplyDeleteI'm amazed at anyone expecting Andrew Marr to support the Conservatives. I'm amazed at anyone denying Andrew Marr the right to ask Brown a nasty question. They deserve it, every last lying man-Jack of the grisly, slithery buggers: Mandelson,Osborne,Harman,Balls,Clegg. Why are Davies, Cable, Hoey and one or two others popular? Because they're straight. Dohh....
ReplyDeleteMarrs interview with Johnson was the second easy interview Marr gave him recently. I think the Marr faction of the BBC is shifting support from Brown to Johnson.
ReplyDeleteI also have not worked out how to comment on B-BBC or on this one except as anonymous
Ron Todd
You could well be right Ron. I thought I'd check back through my spreadsheets and found that ALL the interviews with Alan Johnson on the programmes I've covered are gentle. You remember correctly about the last Marr interview. The latest one scored an I.C. of 0.6, whereas the last one was even gentler at 0.5 (19th July) - and Marr has been Johnson's toughest interviewer!!!!!
ReplyDeleteJim Naughtie (29/7) scored only 0.3, Jon Sopel (13/9) scored only 0.2 and Carolyn Quinn (20/9) scored a 0.0!
Even Vince Cable hasn't had so easy a ride as Alan Johnson.