BBC Complaints: The link you need!

Sunday 14 March 2010


Talking of Ken Clarke...
His office tells me that he himself enjoyed his evening out at the mosque a week ago on Any Questions. While we were all getting red in the face at hearing that braying mob of an audience, the stacked panel and a biased host, Ken was enjoying himself. He found the braying mob 'friendly'.
It must be all that jazz he listens too.
I don't think it would worth e-mailing him again about BBC bias. I don't think it bothers him one bit.


  1. He put up a good fight as he did this morning ignoring the loony left wing Today presenter James Naughty's constant interruptions and him attempting to state that the EU were now governing the UK's economic policy.
    Naughty should get NuLabor Red Flag award for outstanding bias when the election is over.

  2. Yes he did.

    He braved six full-scale interruptions from Naughtie and all manner of half-interruptions, noises, and every other disruptive trick in the Naughtie arsenal.

    If Labour win (God forbid!) maybe they can do us all a favour and give him a job as Downing Street's director of communications. It's the job he was born to do.


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