BBC Complaints: The link you need!

Thursday 22 April 2010


In the immediate wake of the latest prime ministerial debate (which YouGov/The Sun's instant poll has just called for David Cameron, with Nick Clegg second and Gordon Brown in last place) Radio 4 has just featured its most biased reporter Norman Smith calling it squarely for Clegg. He said that Mr Clegg frequently 'dominated and controlled' the debate (not what I saw) and that 'the Clegg bandwagon is still rolling'. "And it seems to me actually he often got the better of some of the arguments," he enthused (especially on immigration).
Robin Lustig's panel was far more realistic. The Lib Dem spokeslady Miranda Green was nuanced, saying that her leader did very well but adding that the constant bickering during the debate would do all the party leaders no good. She also mentioned Mr Cameron's more intelligent strategy of presenting himself as the outsider. Matthew Parris said "I don't agree with Norman Smith at all. I thought David Cameron was much, much better." I agree. Lance Price said Brown started off well, but got patchy toward the end & Nick Clegg lost his USP.
Now I am off to bed!!


  1. Sweet dreams. Try not to have nightmares about David Cameron having a romp in bed with Norman Smith and Caroyln Quinn!

    Seriously though, with the position he adopts on the BBC now, he'll have no mandate to restore impartiality if he does win power. Or maybe he is such 'the heir of Blair' that electoral mandates based on Party Programme and public announcements dont matter to him, he'll just do what he wants anyway? That could go either way with him. Ah, I remember when political life in this country was better. A lot, lot better.

  2. Yes there were some substantial figures in the past. Now they are almost all third rate.


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