BBC Complaints: The link you need!

Tuesday 13 April 2010


Here is yesterday's tally of the number of posts on the BBC's live election blog that report comments (direct/indirect quotations) from party politicians. Back to business as usual for the BBC bloggers (and later today for me!).
Mon 12/4
Labour - 24
Lib Dems - 19
Conservatives - 16
SNP - 3
I've just had time to watch Lord Pearson, on The Andrew Marr Show, slam the BBC for its bias against UKIP, pointing out that he's still closely monitoring the situation (good man!). That must be why UKIP suddenly got a few mentions on Sunday! This is a lesson the 'take-it-on-the-chin' Conservatives should take note of. Complain on air and the BBC might take notice - if only for the rest of the day!
Now for the running total for the whole campaign. How do things stand after 6 days?:
Labour - 142
Conservatives - 89
Lib Dems - 75
SNP - 9
UKIP - 7
Plaid Cymru - 5
Greens - 5
Independents - 2
DUP - 1
BNP - 1
Communist Party - 1
In the spirit of BBC punditry, Labour are still on course for a landslide victory, but there's an interesting battle going on for second place between the Conservatives and Lib Dems.

1 comment:

  1. SNP and Plaid Cymri leaders were on World at One today and Martha Kearney came up with a new bbc wheeze.
    If the questioner was negative to the party then the party head got the final word.
    If the questioner was positive then they got the final word as to their satisfaction.
    Problem for Martha was that 2 out of 3 questioners were negative and had to be cut off.
    Also the Plaid Cymri head was another Welsh Windbag (mk 2 after Kinnock) and did not answer any questions properly, only spouted the usual mantras and platitudes.


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