Sorry my friends, this blog is now officially closed.
When I started it, I intended to stop after the election. Though that intention faded as time went on, I will stick with it now. I need to write about something else, something I broke off writing about a year ago. I am itching to get back to doing that - a long-term project of mine. That's one part of it (the main part of it).
This is the other. You may still see me from time to time over at Biased BBC - which I will keep on reading - but I intend to avoid BBC News like a plague for a few months! You really can hear too much of James Naughtie and Carolyn Quinn, and see too much of Andrew Marr and Kirsty Wark. I am sick of the sound and sight of them.
Biased BBC will, of course, go on doing its magnificent, many-eyed work and the tireless eyes of Not a sheep (more an eagle than a goat) will not let the biased BBC rest either.
I want to thank you all for your support - and, at times of need, help. Thank you to all my followers. You have all been wonderful.
I must thank Not a sheep for all his encouragement, and his example, and Ctesibius, kindly Ptolemaic inventor of that killer tool, the interruption coefficient - available for all to keep using!
Thanks to Hippiepooter for his support and help and for honouring me by including me in his invaluable Biased BBC digests.
Also, thanks to my most long-term commenter, known only as Anonymous (there have been the occasional impostors adopting your name but you have always been the Anonymous!), who has shared so many of my grim experiences of listening to the Toady programme and the odious Carolyn Quinn. I have very much appreciated your comments.
Grant, you really must add Morecambe to your list of regular haunts (far fewer midges than Scotland, much sunnier than the Gambia). Your comments have made my day many a time, and I hope to keep seeing lots of them over at B-BBC. I almost always resisted the temptation to respond with a photo of John Prescott. Thank you Grant.
And thanks also to Andy C, whose support has been no less appreciated - and whose views towards the Rockies even I, with my superb views across Morecambe Bay to the Lakeland Hills, envy just a little bit. The idea of you reading my blog each day after looking out towards the Rockies helped inspire me to keep at it this year and to try to start again after the election. Thank you sir. Sorry for not being able to keep at it.
Thanks again to all and, lest this be turning into the longest Oscar speech in history, let you just say
Best wishes

Thank you for your hard work in doing this blog and revealing so much BBC bias.
ReplyDeleteI did comment on the long term dangers of being exposed to extreme bias!!
Good luck in your other endeavours.
Best wishes craig. Shame this blog is no more, it was always a 'must read' site. Hope you'll contribute to B-BBC occasionally, your input would add gravitas. The perception of BBC bias still remains despite the new govt, it was always good to have it confirmed by your excellent forensic analysis.
ReplyDeleteI would just like to thank you for the fantastic job you have done in exposing the utter rottenness at the heart of the BBC.
ReplyDeleteHi Craig,
ReplyDeleteAlthough I'm sad that you will not be carrying on with this terrific blog exposing BBC bias, I wish you all the best for the future and the best for your long-term project.
Thank you.
The BBC will be breathing a sigh of relief. Your forensic dissection of BBC bias is unparalleled. The fact it has not been put to more profitable use by the Conservative Party shows how doomed conservativism is currently looking on our shores.
ReplyDeleteHopefully something will arise that will put to concrete use your invaluable analyses. As it is, I hope you leave this blog on the internet as a resource. It is basically the 'BBC Bias Library' over the last, how long? Two years?
All the best with your project and I hope and pray you will be available for 'recall' in some form should your country put your services to the good use they should be.
God bless,
Thanks Craig for all the careful analysis of BBC bias you have done over recent months.
ReplyDeleteGood luck
It is a real shame that you are stopping blogging Craig and I really do mean that. Your blog has become one of my favourites and I very much looked forward to your regular posts.
ReplyDeleteYour detailed analysis of BBC bias was incredible and must have taken so much time and sacrifice. I could not have spared the time that you did to record, analyse & most importantly quantify the BBC's incessant bias and I want you to know that I appreciate it.
Thanks for your kind words re my encouraging you. Is it really only last July that you stated emailing me spreadsheets and then started your own blog? Somehow it seems that you have been blogging for longer. Your impact on the world of reporting BBC bias has been huge and you will be missed.
Do leave this blog up as a historical record, a resource and a marker to a much missed blogger.
If I am ever up Morecambe way I will let you know; but would they serve a goat in your local hostelry?
Farewell and good luck in your long term project and whatever else you do.
Dear Craig,
ReplyDeleteI am devastated and almost in tears !
This has been the most fantastic blog I have ever followed. Your efforts have been incredible. I am sure all of your fans here, as mentioned above , including me have no idea how you found the time and effort to do it.
However, I can well understand your reasons for closing it, although I assume it will still be available online for historical research !
To be honest I hardly ever watch/listen to the BBC these days as the many revolting characters make me sick. Too much exposure can damage your health.
Best of luck with your other project. And, please keep in touch via B-BBC.
I can well appreciate Morecambe has fewer midges than Scotland. It also has fewer mosquitos than Gambia, but sunnier ? I think you have been listening to too many BBC weather reports !
By the way, I am in the process of buying land in Gambia to build a house. Should go through in the next few weeks. Your blog was one of the few reasons for me to remain in the UK (computer access is quite difficult in Gambia). This can only hasten my departure, though not for a few years yet, I think.
Best of luck, Craig, we will miss you.
Finally, I shall relent and ask you to post that photo of John Prescott, my hero !
PS. May I suggest that posters here who haven't discovered Notasheep's blog , try it out ?
ReplyDeleteNot confined to BBC bashing , but many interesting posts there and the occasional glamour photo ! It is at
Wow - a real shame that - you'll be much missed.
ReplyDeleteThis has been one of if not the best blog I have ever followed/read, the amount of work that went into some of your output was utterly jawdropping, and as somebody else stated - the beeboids will be breathing a huge sigh of relief - and I believe that to be no exaggeration. Your coverage of the 2010 election campaign was FANTASTIC.
Your forensic analysis of some of the tripe which the beeb trots out was a real joy to read, and i'm gutted that it will be coming to an end.
And I predict that, so long as the conservatives don't have the balls to deal with the enemy within, the BBC will continue it's relentless lib/left, pro-green climate-changemongering, anti-jewish pro-pali, islam-loving agenda. And so if you ever do return to this blog you'll still have plenty to go at.
Craig I salute you.
Best wishes.
Always my second read after Guy Fawkes and before the papers each morning.
ReplyDeleteA sad day, but understandable, given the immense effort you have put into cataloguing and forensically disecting the bias.
A heartfelt thanks for all your hard work Craig and good luck in your future endeavours.
I will miss your blog, but I'll come back from time to time to see if you've resurrected it.
Andy C
Thanks for a superb job, Craig. You might like to know that you will be doing my blood pressure some good by closing the blog. Some days my head felt like it was going to explode reading about the BBC's institutional bias. Good luck with whatever you're doing in the future.
ReplyDeleteI second that !
I think we hope your "closure notice" has the same finality as a Frank Sinatra "final" concert !!!
Shame on you! You've done a fantastic job but it is only a job half done. Your next task should be to dismantle the BBC altogether. Please don't go as there are millions who support you and respect the work you have been doing.
ReplyDeleteMany thanks for your superb efforts to reveal the bias and to destabilize the BBC in its efforts to ensure the reign of the past incompetent and corrupt government.
ReplyDeleteThe new QT fiasco / row shows that your work has had an effect on a moribund Conservative Party, and hopefully woken it up to the ever increasing open bias of the bbc.
I wish you well in your new endevour, and I think I speak for many in that we still wish to hear your voice.
It is truly ironic that this "final" blog attracted more responses than any previous.
Best Wishes.
ReplyDeleteExcellent point.
"You don't know what you got till it's gone "
"It is truly ironic that this "final" blog attracted more responses than any previous."
Looks like the silent majority is speaking here Craig.
It's not fair to ask more of you, but, perhaps you could consider some "curtain calls" in the future.
On a personal note, if you're considering coming this way at all, let me know and I'll send you my email address.
Kind regards
Andy C.
All of the above, with Knobs on. Your efforts first rate, dedication outstanding too. Top Skills old man. Promise us, though, that you will emerge again when the coalition fails (as it surely will) and the next GE is announced..... We must keep the Beeboids accountable to some degree.......
ReplyDeleteVery best wishes from me, Craig.
ReplyDeleteAnd from me - I'm going to miss the blog that really understood the utter jaw-dropping amazement about how the BBC was doing it - and getting away with it!
ReplyDeleteHats off to your sterling work, Craig.
PS to Biased BBC: Any chance you could make it easier to post on your site?
And ditto to all that from me,too, Craig.
ReplyDeleteI wish you well in writing about other stuff and hope you will bring your stiletto approach to some good use against truth's other enemies. Maybe you'll merely publish recipes or book reviews...
Enjoy your retirement, then, from this great expose of BBC's schatology, as well as taking a well-earned rest and a pint or two watching the now jobless and homeless Geraldine Smith rooting in the rubbish bags behind The Carleton.
Damn, I have just discovered this blog, only to find it closed. I googled "Norman Smith" (Today Programme) as I was getting increasingly irritated by his blatant anti-Conservatoive bias and wnated to know something of his background, and it came up with this blog.
ReplyDeleteWell, at least we can dip into archive entries.
Craig, it has been a while since I last paid a visit to your blog, I am extremely sorry to learn that you are no longer continuing as I admired your work greatly. However, it is all those of use who have impotently raged against BBC bias who must thank you for the hours of work and dedication you put in. Good luck with your other projects, I hope you achieve your aims.