BBC Complaints: The link you need!

Wednesday 25 November 2009


Following on from Jonty Bloom's paean to Brazil's socialist President Lula on the 5th November's edition of The World Tonight ( fellow BBC reporter Stephen Evans was back there for last night's edition of the programme, doing much the same sort of thing .
Lula may be a socialist, but he's following sound conservative economic policies and it's these (not socialist economic policies) that are helping fuel Brazil's "breakneck economic growth".
Evans didn't put it quite like that, of course! He was keen to stress Lula's social policies: "I climb the steps to meet a single mother who's benefited from Lula's social programmes."
All fair enough. It's what happened next that shows that Stephen Evans is a true BBC reporter: "Lula's critics on the Right say he's giving money to the poor who then vote for him - naked populism -, and also that benefits remove the incentive to work. The Left says that massive inequality remains, despite the programmes. Leda Paulani of São Paulo University."
Leda Paulani is, naturally, of the Left and used almost exactly the same words Evans had just used to voice the self-same left-wing criticism.
So, Evans outlines two types of criticism - criticism from the Right and criticism from the Left, but it's only the Left we get to hear from. Typical!
Evans then flew above São Paulo and backed Leda's point, asking the helicopter-taxi driver "Is it good for the city if all the rich people are up there, and all the poor people are down here?".
So Lula may be great, but he's still got more to do to please Stephen Evans and the Left.

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