BBC Complaints: The link you need!

Friday 27 November 2009


BBC News, considered as a single organism, strongly approves of Barack Obama but is also highly sympathetic to green causes, especially Anthropocentric Global Warming. David ('the science is extremely clear') Shukman, their enviromental(ist) correspondent, successfully managed to combine both positions on Wednesday night's The World Tonight, praising President Obama's offer to cut the U.S.'s greenhouse gas emissions by 17% (a "very useful" announcement, he said) while simultaneously giving voice to environmentalist reservations that it isn't enough ("scientists say" it should be 40%).
The programme as a whole achieved the same feat by featuring as its main (and only) interviewee on the issue, Daniel C. Esty, professor of environment policy at Yale. He was described as a "former Whitehouse advisor", though precisely who he advised was not mentioned. The Huffington Post, featuring a blog from the professor, supplies the answer: "Professor Esty advised the Obama Campaign on energy and environmental issues and served on the Obama Transition Team." Clearly a greenie and a believer in AGW, Esty was also an advisor to Barack Obama. What more could the BBC want from a guest!!

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