The BBC News website's strange use of inverted commas in its sub-headings (for seemingly biased purposes) has long been a running theme on the Biased BBC website. Here's an example.
Gordon Brown's New Year Message is reported on (at length) here:
The first subheading reads
******Fairly shared
and relates to Brown's promises of a golden decade to come. Note no inverted commas here, despite it being a quotation from the prime minister himself. Why?
The second subheading refers to the Conservatives' response to this pile of Brownite drivel:
******'Throw of dice'
Here there are indeed inverted commas. Why? (Because it's a quotation, like the above one from Brown?)
Odd, isn't it?
PMQs: Who’s Asking the Questions?
1 hour ago
All 3 main parties have a page each reporting their New Year's message.
ReplyDeleteLabour's, as you say, is quite long. The Tories do get 3 little paragraphs at the end for a little dig at Labour. There's no dig from the Lib Dems. The side bar from correspondent Ross Hawkins gets another dig in against the Tories even though they weren't mentioned by name by Gordon.
The Tories page is a bit shorter, naturally. Unlike Labour, there's no side bar section where a correspondent highlights a bit of David Cameron's message or knocks Labour's message, naturally. There are 7 paragraphs at the end knocking the Tories from both Labour and the Lib Dems, naturally.
The Lib Dems page is of course even shorter. There's no knocking from either Labour or the Tories but of course there is a bit of knocking of the Tories. They do get a side bar, unlike the Tories, but theirs is of course a tiny snippet when compared with the larger sidebar on Labour's page.
3 main parties. 3 completely different levels of coverage. Balanced? I think not.
The problem I have is to ask myself if Cameron want's power or is he deep in his comfort zone as leader of the opposition?
ReplyDeleteNone of his recent actions (or inactions) convince me of the answer to this.
On the positive side I can only hope and console myself that he is making painstaking plans for the election and its aftermath.
Yes, he's not inspiring a huge amount of confidence in me either.
ReplyDeleteThat's one thing you can say about Brown though. He wants to stay power - at any price.