BBC Complaints: The link you need!

Saturday 17 April 2010


I've been curious to see how the manifesto launch of the English Democrats would be covered today. The BBC are legally obliged to cover it, and they duly did:
The English Democrats regard themselves as the (non-left-wing) version of the SNP and Plaid Cymru, but English Nats are even less to the BBC's tastes than Scots Nats or Welsh Nats. You can see the truth of that from the perfunctory nature of the article, the way the BBC puts 'English interests' in inverted commas and the way they say "The party polled just over 250,000 votes at the European Parliament elections last June" when it in fact scored 279,801 votes, which is not "just" over 25o,ooo votes - indeed, it's more like "just under 300,0o0 votes".
The BBC live election blog also gives the launch a mention, and uses quotation marks again to cast doubt on a particular word:
1527: The English Democrats have launched their campaign at an event in Dartford, Kent. The party, which wants a parliament for England and a withdrawal from the European Union, is promising to be a "moderate" voice representing English interests. It says it will put up more than 100 candidates at the election.

1 comment:

  1. Phew. I'm glad the BBC does my thinking for me. Dont know how I'd manage otherwise, I'se dont.


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